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The Way of the Hero/ine
Welcome to The Way of the Hero/ine (3:31)
Week 1 - Practicing Non-Judgment
Step 1: Journaling assignment for Week 1
Step 2: Working with the Story
Step 3: Utilizing your Yoga and Breath as tools for Alchemization. (8:36)
Step 4: Unlocking the Power of Identifying Limiting Beliefs (7:35)
Step 5: Meditation Practice – Recognizing Limiting Beliefs
Step 6: Fire Ceremony for Letting go of Limiting Beliefs (34:28)
Step 7: Yoga Practice for Week 1. (60:07)
Step 8: Live Session Week 1, April 9th, REPLAY (79:53)
Week 2 - Practicing Non-Attachment
Step 1: Journaling assignment for Week 2.
Step 2: Identifying Limiting Roles (13:28)
Step 3: Fire Ceremony for Letting go of Limiting Roles (22:18)
Step 4: Yoga Practice Week 2. (62:43)
Step 5: Embracing the New Narrative
Step 6: Meditation – Embodying the new Narrative
Step 7: A Ceremony to Release the Old Story and Embrace the New
Step 8: Live Session Week 2, April 16th, REPLAY (76:15)
Week 3 - Practicing Non-Suffering
Step 1: Journaling assignment for Week 3.
Step 2: Unraveling your Mythic Map
Step 3: Meditation – Attuning with the Three Characters.
Step 4: Fire Ceremony for Letting go of Stories about Suffering. (35:00)
Step 5: Yoga Practice for Week 3. (62:11)
Step 6: Live Session Week 3, April 23rd, REPLAY (65:42)
Week 4 - Practicing the Beauty Way
Step 1: Journaling assignment for Week 4.
Step 2: Daily Ritual for Integration
Step 3: Yoga Practice for Week 4. (65:26)
Step 4: Exploring "The Beauty Way" Wisdom, Part 1.
Step 5: Exploring "The Beauty Way" Wisdom, Part 2.
Step 6: Exploring "The Beauty Way" Wisdom, Part 3.
Step 7: Meditation to Embody "The Beauty Way" Wisdom
Step 8: Live Session Week 4, April 30th, REPLAY (91:00)
Living as a Hero/ine
Guidelines for Integration
Create your Hero/ines Altar
1-Month Follow-Up Live Session, May 28th, 6-7.30 pm CEST
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Step 4: Yoga Practice Week 2.
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